CPI is our choice in home security! 👀

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good morning,

If you are thinking of installing or replacing a home security system….think no more!   CPI is without a doubt the best!   We’ve upgraded & installed the latest in cameras (with all of the bells & whistles) and we love it.   Everything is recorded 24/7, the cameras sound off if someone steps inside the monitored perimeter and you can also hear what’s going on….and Scarlett & I can bark at them by pressing the transmit button!  We love this feature!!❤️  The system is the top of the line!  Scarlett told me she isn’t thrilled knowing cameras are watching her “do her business” so she found the perfect big tree and has her “private time” there.  

Anthony, our Service Technician was great!  He has 19 years of experience at CPI and I’m going to make sure we request him if we ever need another another technician to stop by.  He knew all of the answers to the questions our Daddy was asking about the routers, cameras, etc.  Scarlett wanted to play with him and kept wanting to shake his hand!  I followed him everywhere he went (except up the big ladder) and was ready to assist him …..if he needed me.   I sat on the short ladder and watched… but no way was I going up the big ladder.  

The Customer Service at CPI is over the top!  We’ve called or have gone online to “chat” with a CPI rep in the past and they are amazing.  The customer service representatives don’t rush us and asked us several times if we had any more questions….super nice reps.  They feel like a part of my family!

If you’re thinking about getting a home security system or upgrading your current system, think no more… call CPI and tell them Scarlett & Abigail sent you!

❤️❤️ 🐾🐾

Scarlett kept asking for paw shakes.

I perched on the step and supervised everything….and…Anthony gave me little rubs as he went up and down the steps.

This is my “on duty” place!  Scarlett & I camp out here and monitor the neighborhood!  Anthony is checking out our doorbell camera to make sure everything with it is perfect too!  

I’ll let Daddy handle the app and the operational instructions….Scarlett & I are listening….just in case he forgets something and we need to back him up🤣🐾