Fun day at the airport!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone!

Saturday was a fun day at the airport.  Soooo much fun and a Ice Cream Truck was there ANDDDD…..they had Doggie Ice Cream!   Soooo delicious!   Scarlett and I shared a cup while Mom & Dad had Chocolate Ice Cream. 

Lots of my friends were there including my police buddy!   I hung out with them while Mom & Dad were setting up…..I saw Dr Phil, Paul, Chris, Rick, Melvin, Alan, Connor, David, Al and soooo many of my buddies.   I didn’t remember one guy’s name……. but he remembered me…..he said he was sitting in my “spot” on the sofa one day in the FBO….and I gave him the…”you need to move, that’s my perch” look…..he moved over further on the sofa and i hopped up and claimed my space!🤣

Dad & Mom said the burgers were delicious…..but, Scarlett & I wouldn’t know…we only got to smell the air….and watch them eat while we ate hydrated chicken treats😱


Abi & Scarlett