Headed to Charleston

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good morning!

I hope everyone is having an awesome day today.   We are on our way to our Charleston boutique and will be there from 11:00-2:00 to visit with you.  

We have received sooo many emails with questions about us and have decided to start answering some each day in our blog.

How old is Scarlett?            Scarlett is 5 years old

Does Scarlett fly with you on rescue flights?
Scarlett does go with us on most of our flights.  But we have had multiple mama dogs with many, many puppies before and Scarlett didn’t go with us so we could have extra room for all of the rescues.

Who is Daddy’s girl”?  Wellll.......Scarlett is probably.   She and Daddy went to training school together and when Scarlett was first rescued, she was afraid of everything....Daddy had to pick her up and hold her for everything.   She’s still rather nervous about some things.....don’t sneeze, cough or make any odd noises....she runs to Daddy’s office. But......I’m the one that’s always in Daddy’s lap.🤣
