I LOVE my Mommie!💕💕💕

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone,

At our fashion show I was strutting down that runway like a pro.... but I kept hearing my Mom and I didn’t see her!   But then.....the magic moment.....as Daddy and I were turning to head back down the runway.......there she was!!!   I saw my Mom with the microphone and I took off running to her and dragging my Daddy with me!!   I was sooo happy to see her! I got 10-15 kisses and a few hugs and I was ready to go back down the runway with Daddy!    We had so much fun at the fashion show.  In case you missed the event this year......November 14, 2020 is the date for next year!   

Looking forward to seeing you!



 Had to get some quick kisses from my mommie   💕💕

Daddy always holds me up high at the end of the runway so people can see me.   He also likes to twirl me around!   I close my eyes so I don’t get dizzy. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣