It almost looks like Spring!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good morning!
Scarlett & I are soaking up some rays on the deck and I’m loving the warm sun rays.   My Daddy told me he’s never seen dogs like us.   We spread out and get sooo hot from the sun and we don’t feels great!   It’s much nicer up here than down near the water...tooo cold for me.   Mom has been really bribing the Bluebirds by putting out lots of LIVE mealworms everywhere day....hoping they will build nests and raise their babies in our yard....and it’s working.    The Bluebirds have been inspecting the new boxes!💕

I really would love for it to SNOWWWW before Winter is over....but Spring is my favorite season.  Our yard seems to come alive with flowers, birds singing and looks sooo pretty and there is more activity on the water.   People are sitting on their docks (Mom makes me wear my life jacket...even on the dock😱)boats are more active and Seagulls are chattering.

Have a wonderful day!

Scarlett & Abigail 
