It’s lunchtime!

Posted by Abigail Zeneski on

Good morning everyone!

It’s been a super busy few days.  If I got frequent flyer miles I would have the highest number on record for a furbaby.   I love flying and my bag is always packed.

We stopped by my parent’s favorite place to eat, Charron’s Deli, and picked up lunch for our trip.  We were only an hour into the flight before Dad was ready to eat..  Mom got everyone’s lunch ready and it was delicious!  I had some Turkey & Cheese (and potato chips).   Scarlett is on a diet and ate her “dog” food… whatever that is. 🤣  My Mom always tells me I’m not a dog!

If you’re in the Youngsville, NC area …Charron’s Deli is 10 minutes from Triangle North Executive Airport, 20 minutes north of Raleigh and 1 minute from The Tin Pig & Gate Nine Doggie Boutique (it’s across the street) stop by and check everything out….sooo much to see! 


Abigail & Scarlett