Scarlett & I are STRESSING!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

We are having renovations at our house and Scarlett & I do NOT like all of the noise.....we are hanging out upstairs in our room, playing, sleeping and BARKING!   Today Mom, Dad, Scarlett and I took a very early walk on the golf course and Scarlett got LOST!   Yep, you read it right.......Scarlett loves to chase bunnies and she got lost!   My Mom and Dad were freaking out......I was pretty worrried myself......but finally, we saw Scarlett pop out of the woods and she was scared silly, hot and panting!!!   We had to cut out walk short and get her home to ice water and air conditioning.   I don't think she will want to venture out on her own and explore the woods around the golf course in a long time!   I thought I was going to have to get my Mom to carry me and Scarlett was going to ride home in my stroller....but Scarlett doesn't want to be seen in my pink stroller.......she preferred to walk!

We are flying the cutest rescue dogs this weekend........They are going from Sanford, NC to Caldwell, NJ......I will post pictures soon!

Stay cool!

