Good morning,
Thank you so much for all of the prayers, emails, cards, texts and treat gifts. You have no idea how special you’ve made me feel. Allergies are rough! I’m feeling better and I’m not scratching much. The medicine is working!🙏🏻 I’m almost back to my perky self, chasing my toys, watching the hummingbirds, guarding the front door, wagging my tail and all of my other routines….I’m a happy girl!
Mom, Daddy and Scarlett have been taking great care of me. I’ve had lots of licks from Scarlett (and she’s sticking by me day and night), belly rubs, head rubs, treats, kisses and snuggles from Mom and Daddy. I saw Pam and Nala sitting under “Maceys tree” last night when we went for our walk and I was over the top with excitement to see them. Pam has been checking on me every day to see how I’m feeling. ❤️