Abigail's Adventures (and other news)
Purchases made in our store, January 18th will receive a Free Gift!
Posted by Abigail Zeneski on
Gate Nine Doggie Boutique has lots of great Valentine’s Day gifts for furbabies and dog lovers. January 18th, with every purchase made from Gate Nine Doggie Boutique, at our Youngsville, NC location, will receive a gift along with a free appetizer coupon for you to use at Texas Roadhouse. Every purchase at Gate Nine Doggie Boutique goes toward saving shelter dogs in high kill shelters and getting them transported to safe shelters where they can be adopted and live the life they so much deserve. We have coats, toys, dog dresses, bling collars, candles, socks, doggie boots, bow ties...
It’s cold outside!
Posted by Abigail Zeneski on
Good morning everyone! I can’t believe my Mom AND my Daddy brought me outside to do my business. I had no idea there is snow and I did my morning routine of running to the door, dancing, etc to go potty. Wellll, I will not be doing my morning dance anytime soon and will be going to my pad to do my business. I wondered why Mom was putting my snowsuit on me but I thought she was bundling me up because it’s cold outside…..NOPE….. Daddy told me to walk around and play with Scarlett in the...
Meet Copper!❤️
Posted by Abigail Zeneski on
Hi everyone, This is Copper. Isn’t he adorable? In this picture Copper is wearing one of his favorite polos. He knows he’s just toooo cute! I told Mom she needs to let me hang out with her at the boutique.,.in case Copper comes to visit with his Mom. We have some really cute Spring outfits arriving and Copper & I can model them for our website.
Awesome Grandma & Grandpa socks!
Posted by Abigail Zeneski on
Good morning! Our #1 selling socks for this week have been the Awesome Dog Grandma and Awesome Dog Grandpa socks. These are selling fast and are not available online. But.....if you call me with your order or stop by our store (we have lots of them in stock)....we will mail you the order. If you tell the girl at the check out register that Abigail sent you.....You will receive a special gift from me..... xoxox Abigail
I'm ready for breakfast!
Posted by Abigail Zeneski on
Good morning everyone, Have you seen our new denim outfits in the store? OMG! I want one of each! We also have cute custom jackets for boys and girls along with backpacks & bucket hats. I wore my bucket to California the other day and got soooo many compliments. Mom also had my "essentials" in my backpack and I think about 8 people have emailed me wanting to order a backpack and bucket hat for their own fur baby.... Stay tuned for new arrivals coming in a couple of days to the website... xoxox Abigail