Abigail's Adventures (and other news)


Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Gate Nine Doggie Boutique Cookies are fresh out of the oven.  I’ve been so busy baking (and sampling)….My Mom is always snapping pictures of me when i’m not prepared….I am still in my PJ’s and hair curlers!  😱🙈 Stop by to see me today (I promise I’ll be dressed and looking spiffy), have a cookie, a glass of wine and see our Fall 2021 Fashion Sneak Preview in our VIP customer lounge.  We have gorgeous outfits and some are even trimmed in fur, leather and ultra suede with matching hats!  Sooooo over the top beautiful!👗

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Beautiful COUTURE Outfits!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone! Check out my Daddy!🤣 He’s carrying a doggie mannequin on the way to a fashion preview a store is hosting for us.   I’m so excited!  We have some of the most gorgeous outfits and long gowns created especially for spoiled divas….like me.  These are one of a kind…totally couture and beyond gorgeous Beautiful long gown with ‘over the top” embroidery  detachable long skirt i  i modeled this exquisite ling gown with detachable shirt in the fashion show.  Beautiful isn’t the word….it’s totally exquisite!

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Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone! You won’t believe your eyes when you see the video of my Mom’s cousin’s Hummingbirds…they are everywhere!  She has a large feeder and fills it daily…..and…..if the feeder is empty….they will swarm all around her and let her know….they need more food…FAST!   You should hear the noises they make…..now my Mom is on a mission to attract more Hummingbirds to our yard.  She has new feeders and the magic potion recipe!  Plus, she’s making sure the temperature in our refrigerator in the garage is really cold to keep the food extra cold for them.  I’ve been sitting...

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Doggie Bar is OPEN!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good Morning! Have you ever been to a Doggie Bar???  Wellll, we have one and it’s going to be so much fun! Maceys Mom, Pam, made the awesome pink, frilly bar table skirt and Candy, Minnie’s Mom, can write really pretty…and she made our Beer, Wine, Champagne and Tea signs.  We have great friends that are soooo talented and creative!   We will have some exciting news to share with you….very soon…on where you can visit our Doggie Bar! Stay tuned…. Scarlett & Abigail 🐾❤️

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Doggie Fashion Show Flashback!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good Morning! Scarlett & I have been busy girls.   Mom is in the early planning stages of our Doggie Fashion Show,   We have soooo much fun!  Our first fashion show we had 15 models with 10 of the models being rescues.   They loved modeling and were strutting down the runway like pros!   There are sooo many rescue dogs out there waiting to be adopted and have the life they do much deserve .  

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