Abigail's Adventures (and other news)

We Miss Macey Girl soooo much!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good morning, I’ve been really missing my bestie, Macey Girl.   We had so much fun together.   When we moved into our new house, the first person I met was Macey’s Mom and Macey!   We had a connection from the moment we met.   Macey’s house was my 2nd home (still is).  Macey was 15 years old but you would never know it.   She was sooo spunky!   Macey lost her fight with her health issues on December 26, 2020.Mom, Scarlett and I are in the process of turning our natural area into “Macey’s Garden/Park,   She...

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Pawz Protectors are a MUST!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good morning!🌻 Pawz protectors are my FAVORITE!  I wear mine whenever I’m going to be walking on hot pavement, sand or anything else that’s hot!  They are very lightweight and SOOO stylish!   PLUS…….we have matching bandanas!   Scarlett LOVES hers!  You should see her prancing!  She might be a 75 pound girl but she knows how to style and profile!  Mom got the designer to paint the design on a pair of shoes for her….now Scarlett, Mom & I have matching shoes……Toooo CUTE! ❤️❤️❤️ Abi & Scarlett P.S.  The cutie in the photo is Allie all glamorized in pink....

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I’m in a mood!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone, Scarlett and I are in the backseat relaxing….when all of a sudden, Scarlett decides to stretch out and take up the entire seat.   I wasn’t going to get in the floor….so, I just turned around and faced the back of the seat……she felt sorry for me in a few seconds and moved over a little….paybacks are going to be rough…just wait until we are in the airplane and Scarlett is afraid…..she’s going to want me to snuggle with her…..😂😂😂😂dream on Scarlett…I’ll be sitting up front in first class…she’s going to be all alone and I hope she...

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Another Road Trip!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good morning! Yesterday was another road trip!😱.  My Daddy’s airplane is in the airplane hospital and we had to drive to VA so he could fly it back home!   I started to ride back with him because it’s only a 30 minute flight vs a  3 hour drive!   But, I didn’t want Mom and Scarlett to be sad because I went with Daddy….  I discovered the perfect spot for me….in the very back of the car!   I can spread out and baste in the sun.  I love it!   But, I don’t like having to step over the...

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Rescue Flight Tuesday!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good morning! Scarlett & I are sooo excited!   We have 9 puppies and 8 kittens that are going on their Pilots N Paws Rescue Flight with us.   Since this is such a long distance….from Georgia to NY, I think there will be 3 pilots involved.   We will fly south and bring them back to our airport where another pilot will meet us and head north…probably to Georgetown, MD or Frederick, MD.  Pilot Glenn will meet them in MD and continue their flight to NY.   I was hoping we would fly the 2nd leg to MD and...

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