Abigail's Adventures (and other news)

Send in your pictures!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Wow!  Lots of awesome pictures are coming in.   I didn’t know soooo many spoiled babies like me and Scarlett have their own fans!    I love it!       

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Good morning!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone, I’ve landed!!  I see Thomas headed to the plane to pick us up!   It’s time for lunch!    To be continued…… Abigail 💕

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Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good Morning! Such a BeAuTiFuL day for a photoshoot.   I LOVE having my very own fan attached to my stroller! Photos are coming in!  Send me a picture of your fur baby in front of their fan and you will be entered in a drawing for an awesome prize.    Email your pictures to …info@gatenineboutique.com   If you’re selected, you will have featured in my blog….make sure your parents tell me all about you and things you love to do. 💕💕💕 Abi & Scarlett 

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No More Hot Pavement for Us!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone, You don’t like walking on hot pavement and your fur baby doesn’t either.   We have the cutest booties for walking on hot pavement and……wait for it…….  We have matching bandanas!   Soooo cute!   Scarlett and I can’t wait to go to the park and strut!   I’m sure Mom will be posting a picture…or two….or more.🤣🐾❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ Abi & Scarlett

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I’m perched in a tree!!! Seriously!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone, This is definitely my first time in a TREE!  We were out walking and I had just finished “doing my business” when Mom sat me on a tree limb and told me to smile.   Wellll…..sitting on a tree limb is not on my bucket list of things to do but I can definitely say I’ve done it.    I’m not complaining!   I have a wonderful, exciting, adventurous life and I never have a dull moment. 🤣🤣🤣.  I think Dad should put Scarlett in the tree and see how she reacts!   I’m soooo much braver than...

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