Abigail's Adventures (and other news)

Busy Weekend!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone, Scarlett and I along with Dad & Mom took a LONG road trip to NY to see family.  Our airplane is having a problem and is in the airplane hospital.  It was a long, long drive….traffic was a nightmare and STORMS!  Scarlett and I were under blankets in the backseat snuggled together.  The storms were so bad that my Daddy pulled over under a huge bridge along with about 25 other cars on Interstate 95….traffic was basically at a stand still in the middle of the interstate.  The hail stones sounded like garbage cans falling on the car....

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ShOpPiNg By ApPoInTmEnT.. NoW aVaIlAbLe!❤️

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good morning, If you want a truly private, no stress, no crowds, pleasant shopping experience….complete with complimentary snacks and beverages……well…….look no further.   Beginning August 3rd you can book your private shopping appointment.  Scarlett & I are sooo excited and looking forward to seeing you and your furbabies!Stay tuned for more info…. 🐾❤️ Abigail and Scarlett

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Headed to Poughkeepsie! UPDATE! Road Trip!

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Good morning! We are headed north to see Grandma and family on my Daddy’s side.  Scarlett & I are sooo excited.  I have my seat with my bed, baby, treat, headset, blanket and the air vent is blowing on me.   Scarlett has her headset on and sitting in her bed.   She likes to look out of the window before we take off….but I like to get all settled in and take a nap….I’ll look all nice and refreshed when we land.   Scarlett will have bags under her eyes.🤣.   We got up before daylight …but no problem...

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Adorable Bandanas!❤️

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone, Scarlett LOVES BaNdAnAs and we have hundreds of designs for you to choose from for your fur baby.   Mom’s friend, Susan, is an awesome designer and makes gorgeous bandanas, clothes, wardrobes and soooo much more for furbabies.   Soon we will have distressed jackets with over the top bling in our boutique!   You should see mine!!💕💕💕💕 Stay tuned…… (this isn’t me in the picture….this cutie is a friend of Susan)

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Rescue Pups have Arrived in Georgetown, Delaware

Posted by Anne Zeneski on

Hi everyone, We have arrived in Delaware with an airplane load of cuteness, including me & Scarlett.🤣  These adorable pups are headed to Lincoln Park, NJ where a long list of potential new parents are awaiting for their arrival.   I love flying rescue flights!   Scarlett and I brief them preflight and let them know they are safe, it will be a fun flight and they will get a delicious treat after we land…..all of the pups slept the entire flight!   We had toys for them to play with during the flight….I guess they were tired puppies  🤣🤣🤣🐾✈️...

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